Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Sacramento Tea-Bagging! [Updated]

I took a few minutes at lunch today to walk through the crowd at today's Sacramento "Tea-bag" Tax protest. All I can say is WOW what a bunch of Crazy F-ing Nuts! So glad my tax dollars help pay for all of the CHP security to protect us from these angry mobs!! Here are a few pics:

Where were all these folks during the Bush administration's piling up of debt? Anyone want to take a guess as to how many of these folks will actually get a tax cut from Obama's plan?

[Update by seenos] Just had to add a few of my favorite tea-bagging pics from the day, with editorial comments:

Um, isn't that what we just did?

If we cut taxes to zero, perhaps these ladies will volunteer to defend the country for free! And what does the "No Turn On Red" sign have to do with taxes?

At least one teabagger seems to be having some reservations about joining the party!

Methinks thou protest too much!

Unlike the last president, who wanted to send your entire generation to war! In case you can't read it, the sign in the background says "Capitalism is NOT the Problem. Retarded Elitist Ivy League Lying Politicians Are!" Could you be a little more specific? Who isn't a retarded elitist ivy league lying politician these days?

One of the signs distributed by former GOP congressman, Mark Foley.

The media even found time to conduct interviews at a San Francisco tea party that had nothing to do with taxes!

And the moral of the story is that I can finally retire this image as the quintessential conservative protest photo, because the free market just produced a whole lot of new competition:


  1. I noticed the Tennessee Democratic Party website doesn’t list Congressman Jim Cooper as a declared Democratic candidate for 2010. So I called his office in Nashville and they said Congressman Jim Cooper is a declared Democratic candidate for 2010. I suspect the Tennessee Democratic Party website has left him of the list because they don’t want to help endorse him again.

    For example:

    Jim Cooper does not support habeas corpus for prisoners at Guantanamo, and has refused to support legislation to close Guantanamo.

    Jim Cooper has refused to support the “Restoring the Constitution Act of 2007,” which would make “significant changes to provisions of the Military Commissions Act of 2006 by restoring the writ of habeas corpus for individuals held under U.S. jurisdiction, narrowing the definition of an unlawful enemy combatant, preventing the use of evidence gained through torture and coercion, and requiring the U.S. to abide to its Geneva Convention obligations.” More importantly, Jim Cooper has declined to sign onto legislation that requires the U.S. to live up to the Geneva Conventions.

    Jim Cooper has refused to support efforts to find a diplomatic solution to the conflict in Iraq.

    Jim Cooper supports continuing the U.S. aggression in Iraq, he is against insisting on Congressional oversight of the war effort, and wants to give the NSA a pass to go around the FISA Courts.

    Jim Cooper refused to support legislation that would hold mercenaries (a/k/a “contractors”) to the same standards of conduct expected of American soldiers.

    Jim Cooper has refused to push for a ban on cluster bombs used in the vicinity of civilians.

    Jim Cooper has refused to support legislation that would ban the so-called “outsourcing” of torture.

    Jim Cooper has refused to sign onto legislation that would investigate and probably reign in WHINSEC, the U.S. government’s notorious training school for torturers and terrorists.
    Jim Cooper isn't interested in repealing the so-called “Real ID” act. In case you have not heard, “Real ID” was slipped through into law without debate a few years ago. It gives states a very expensive unfunded mandate to create a national ID card, and many privacy experts see the database it is supposed to create as an invitation to snooping and identity theft.

    Jim Cooper has failed to achieve a leadership position within the U.S. House of Representatives over the past six years in office.

    Jim Cooper voted for the $825 billion economic stimulus package without reading it first.

    Jim Cooper refused to have hometown meetings with the citizens of his community on the issue of Health Care.


    Hint: It’s not the voters of Nashville and Tennessee’s 5th Congressional District, who strongly support a public option. Here are the industries who have donated to Jim Cooper’s campaigns, according to

    $651,803 Lawyers/Law Firms
    $502,323 Securities & Investment
    $216,255 Real Estate
    $197,306 Retired
    $184,759 INSURANCE
    $128,930 Misc Finance
    $125,398 MISC HEALTH
    $112,050 Commercial Banks
    $107,696 Accountants
    $105,107 Education
    That totals up to almost $1 million for Jim Cooper from health care special interests!

    No wonder Congressman Jim Cooper is fighting for them — and and not for his constituents — when it comes to health care.

    More information about Congressman Jim Cooper can be seen at:

  2. Anonymous3:05 PM

    Wow, is right. You cannot even comprehend what people are upset about. Attack the people that disagree with you. You are a good liberal.
