Thursday, August 24, 2006

White House: Study Proves No Global Warming!

President Bush today announced the National Environmental Research Institute of Denmark has released a study which he suggests conclusively proves that global warming is just a hoax.

The study reports the following:
The genitals of polar bears in east Greenland are apparently dwindling in size.
Scientists report this shrinkage could, in the worst case scenario, endanger polar bears there and elsewhere by spoiling their love lives and causing their numbers to peter out.
Said Bush:
Everyone has seen the episode of Seinfeld which sets forth the true cause of shrinkage. If polar bear genitals are shrinking, then clearly the Arctic is getting colder, not warmer! The shrinking icecap must be related to something other than global warming – like a lack of oil pipelines holding it together!
Bush then announced that he will ask the Congress to appropriate $1.6 billion so that he can enlist Haliburton to provide neoprene bikinis and oysters to the Arctic polar bears in order to aid in the reconstruction of their love lives.

(also at Daily Kos)

1 comment:

  1. Fun stuff!!!
    I take a few swipes at Bush whenever the mood strikes me. Check if you get a chance.

    I too, however, believe that fish and humans can co-exist peacefully.

    (God, he's such an idiot).
