Saturday, February 02, 2008

Phonebanking for Obama!

Let me just start by saying that I am not a phone person! In fact, one of several highlights of my first experience volunteering for a political campaign was stopping long enough to take this shot of my empty workstation next to this earnest volunteer (who was clearly much more skilled at the process than me!)

There were, however, a few other highlights mixed in with the disconnected phone numbers and oblivious non-voters among those I called. Several people expressed interest in volunteering for the campaign down the road, and everyone I spoke with who was already a decided voter, had already decided to vote for Barack.

All in all, it was a interesting and rewarding experience, albeit one that, for someone who greatly prefers writing to chatting on the phone, was occasionally akin to having surgery without anesthesia!


  1. Anonymous4:54 PM

    That is the kind of reaching out this man inspires. Good job!. I found his headquarters here in Sacramento on Q Street and plan to go there on Monday.

  2. Anonymous10:50 PM

    Good for you, seenos. I share your antipathy towards phone conversation, but more importantly, I admire your dedication to the cause. Good luck.
