Thursday, April 05, 2007

Left-Over Presents: You Make the Call!

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Although most of the commentary on Tuesday’s press conference has been about Bush’s stubborn unwillingness to consider leaving Iraq (or even to consider that the American people want to leave Iraq), I’d like to highlight a couple of exchanges that relate to a more trivial topic.

And then I will leave you with a question for your consideration.

First, this brief exchange:
Q: Since General Pace made his comments — they got a lot of attention — about homosexuality, we haven't heard from you on that issue. Do you, sir, believe that homosexuality is immoral?

BUSH: I — I — I will not be rendering judgment about individual orientation. I do believe the don't ask/don't tell policy is good policy. Sammon, yes.
Interesting that, aside from the mention of comments by General Pace, the question had nothing to do with homosexuals serving in the military but was about morality. Still, the only response the stuttering Bush could muster was to say he believes in “don’t ask, don’t tell.” And then he quickly moved to another reporter, and preferably another line of questioning.

But consider that the question came after the following exchange had occurred just moments earlier:
BUSH: Bill?

Q: Mr. President, a lot of the disagreement...

BUSH: Wrong Bill.

Q: Which one, him?

BUSH: No, you. The cute looking one.

Q: Thanks so much.
Or this one:
BUSH: Dancer. Dancing man. That would be David Gregory. For those of you not aware, Gregory put on a show the other...

Q: Everybody's aware, Mr. President. Thank you.

BUSH: Well, maybe the listeners aren't.

Q: Yes, that's all right.

BUSH: That was a beautiful performance, seriously.

Q: Thank you. Thank you very much.
And so the question on which I’d like you, the reader, to make the call, is this:

Are all of the people on this list ranked at least one slot too high?


  1. Anonymous12:52 PM

    It's unfair to gays to have to include him. I won't do it.

  2. He gives the human race a bad name. I'm just saying he is what he is - like everyone else!
