Monday, April 16, 2007

What I Hope Someone Asks Alberto Tomorrow Thursday.

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On the eve of Alberto Gonzales’ testimony before Congress about his involvement in the federal attorney purge, I just want to make one point that I really wish someone would throw at him when he starts to blather about “his best recollection,“ about “an overblown personnel matter.”

If this were really about “job performance,” he would have purged the loyal Bushies . . . . and then resigned himself!

I’m not going to recount all of the evidence of poor job performance available to support what has become obvious to all but the few remaining cretins who support this President – that Bushies are incompetent!

Just look at the poll to the right and note how difficult it is to pick the one most shamefully inept Bushie from the list! And those are just the ones we’ve seen in high profile public roles. Just think about all the pathetically incompetent, but loyal, Bushies behind the scenes, f**king up the future of the country in a million little ways!

So when Alberto weasels around behind statements like “I’ve made mistakes, but nothing improper,” I sure hope someone has the balls to point out the simple equation:

Mistakes in your job = Poor job performance!

So if the fired attorneys aren’t going to be re-hired, then why isn’t Gonzales included in the purge?

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