Saturday, July 29, 2006

American Idol Meets American Idiot!

OK America - which one of these talentless, over-hyped wannabees would make the best President?

I'm guessing Pickler is not the only one here who has never heard of "Calamari".


[update by seenos]

I just had to add question # 2: Which one of these talentless, over-hyped wannabees most deserves to be marketed under this logo?

And remember I said "most!"


  1. I'm happy and proud to say that I have never heard of "Pickler!" Which one is that?

  2. Oh yeah - you should have actually used the phrase "American Idol" in your post in order to boost the site traffic off the charts!

  3. Sorry, I had to put the Pickler reference in there for the hard core Idol fans.

    It is not worth explaining.

    I guess I could also ask the question - Which of these infamous people would you like to have a beer with?

  4. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Alas, I have to admit familiarity with the whole crew, although I can't bring myself to admit to "hard core fan" status.

    Several of the contestants were actually quite talented. A couple of them, including the cute-but-lametably-ignorant Ms. Pickler, were not (she's the blond on the far left, for what it's worth). But they were all better singers than Bush is a President. And I'd rather have a beer with any of 'em than with our Dear Leader.
