Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Time for Cheney To Set An Example

This image was taken at a speech Cheney gave this week at the 2006 Saver Summit on retirement issues. Brilliant! That’s what I call framing an issue!

Particularly in light of this revelation from Chris Matthews that a “well placed source” told him off the record that Cheney essentially had tunnel vision about attacking Iraq well before 9/11.

This comes as no surprise, as both Paul O’Neill and Richard Clarke said the same thing. But it does underscore the reason Cheney has an approval rating of only 19%!

At this point, instead of talking about retirement, Cheney should show us how it’s done!


  1. Be careful what you wish for. Were Cheney to slither away Bush could probably deflect most of Plamegate and a fair amount of the blame for Iraq (many of whose most important decisions were closely linked to Cheney and his cohorts) onto the VP. Provided his successor (Mitt Romney's term ends at the end of the year and Condi Rice could easily hand over the reins at State) maintained a reasonable distance from Bush he or she could provide a potential successor in a Republican field bereft of big names. By getting Cheney's head on a platter the Democrats could sow the seeds of defeat in 2008.

  2. Be careful what you wish for. Were Cheney to slither away Bush could probably deflect most of Plamegate and a fair amount of the blame for Iraq (many of whose most important decisions were closely linked to Cheney and his cohorts) onto the VP. Provided his successor (Mitt Romney's term ends at the end of the year and Condi Rice could easily hand over the reins at State) maintained a reasonable distance from Bush he or she could provide a potential successor in a Republican field bereft of big names. By getting Cheney's head on a platter the Democrats could sow the seeds of defeat in 2008.

  3. If you are saying it (twice, even), you know that Rove is thinking it! Cheney will likely be gone before 2008 - and if he can take all the blame with him, then you may be right.

    On the other hand, I think the smell of this administration will remain long after Cheney leaves the room!

  4. Don't forget that Cheney's influence is probably almost as strong as Rove's. Cheney will depart if and when he wants to depart. He is atrocious at PR but he is an exceptionally intelligent man.

  5. He is atrocious at PR but he is an exceptionally intelligent man.

    So is Hannibal Lechter!
