Wednesday, August 23, 2006

My New Connection With George Bush!

As you may have noticed, my blogging frequency has declined significantly in the last week. This is because I have found it more difficult to write now that I know of a common characteristic that I share with the President.

Last weekend, during a short bike ride, I made the stupid decision, despite clear evidence that should have been more than enough to dissuade me, to ride directly over a pothole.

I was sure it was only going to be a small bump in the road, on the way to achieving my mission of getting to the gym in time for an afternoon swim.

I was wrong!

When I hit the hole, I bounced forward on the bike and was unable to regain control. Moving at about 20 miles an hour, I flew over the handlebars and skidded to a stop on the pavement, leaving several feet of skin along the way.

All in all, I’m not too bad off. A couple of large abrasions on the knee and elbow, a gash on the palm of one hand, and a few minor dings here and there. My right shoulder was jammed to the point where I’ve been instructed by my doctor to do a Hitler salute several times a day to make sure it doesn’t become frozen.

But I’m going to be back on the bike soon . . . because if I don’t "stay the course" and "complete the mission" of riding “over there,” I will only "embolden" the pavement and it’s going to follow me "over here."

Wait, I'm looking out my window and I can see that there is pavement right outside my house.

Code Red! Code Red!


  1. Anonymous12:46 PM

    If you REALLY wanted to follow in the tire tracks of our Beloved Leader, you would have had a couple of Secret Service agents running alongside you. Not only could they have caught you when you fell (and shot the pothole, no doubt), but you could have yelled at them about joining the 100 degree club while you rode!

    Sorry to hear about your little mishap, but let that be a lesson to you. The next time you hear some health Nazi say that a little exercise never hurt anyone, you'll know better! The next time you fall off of something, let it be a barstool or your Significant Other.

  2. Anonymous9:19 PM

    I was going to say, "Where have you been?"

    Now I know. So sorry! Hope you are beyond hurting. Be steadfast!

    Just don't tell old George. He'll just add insult to injury and blame - Oh, you know.

    Terrorists are creating potholes and we must not let them win.
