Wednesday, August 09, 2006

The World According to Mehlman

The GOP didn’t take long to try to somehow spin Ned Lamont’s win over Joe Lieberman into a Republican talking point. During a campaign appearance in Ohio for Mike DeWine, Ken Mehlman gave it his best shot.

Yesterday we saw something happen somewhere else that is directly relevant to the choice the people of Ohio will make on November 7.

Why is this relevant in Ohio?

Because right here, the Democratic Party has chosen to nominate for Senate a leading proponent of the isolationist, defeatist, blame America first philosophy.

Sherrod Brown (DeWine's opponent) is Ohio's answer to Ned Lamont.

It reflects an unfortunate embrace of isolationism, defeatism, and a 'blame America first' attitude by national Democratic leaders at a time when retreating from the world is particularly dangerous.

How about the danger of retreating from reality? I sure hope the big Republican donors keep providing enough money to support Mehlman’s crack habit, because it seems clear he’s been smoking something!

First of all, he’s discounting the fortunes of a political opponent by suggesting that he’s following in the footsteps of a guy who just won!

And Ned Lamont is a true Democrat who just defeated a Republican masquerading as a Democrat, yet Mehlman is able to reach the stunningly absurd conclusion that:
Today's Democrat Party has become the Defeat-ocrat Party.

It seems - to paraphrase Mehlman's line - that:

Today’s Republican Party has become the Retard-lican Party!


  1. Were not the "Blame America" party. We are the "Blame the Republican Party".

    With this mornings news the new line should be "we are fighting them over there so we can fly without fluids over here"

    ORANGE ALERT - I forgot what I am supposed to do. Oh yeah I think it means panic but don't get histerical.

  2. Anonymous9:06 AM

    I think the "Orange Alert" is some kind of cocktail. Vodka, Tang and crystal meth, I believe. Judging by both the picture and his comments, Mehlman must have had a couple of 'em for breakfast...

  3. When Karl Rove reportedly called Lieberman to offer help - is this what they came up with?

    The F---ing MSM are going crazy with this story.

    I have yet to see any exposive expert asked whether these so called liquid explosives powerful enough to take down a plane even exist. Was this plot even possible?

    Come on reporters ask some real
    f---ing questions.

  4. Yeah, this is great!

    I'm scheduled to fly to London Heathrow in less than a month.

    I sure hope they will at least let me take my bodily fluids!

    It's bad enough flying in coach for 9 hours, let alone having to be freeze dried first!
