There’s not too much to say about last night’s SOTU . Think Progress has the line-by-line debunking here, while I prefer this more graphical rebuttal to this year’s stream of lies by the President
I’ll just add a few additional random comments.
First of all, I found it notable that with Samuel Alito’s head bobbing in the front row, Bush could begin the address with a glowing tribute to the “noble dream” of Coretta Scott King, and from there his credibility could go steadily downhill!
I think it bottomed out when he introduced the “American Competitiveness Initiative” and emphasized the need “to encourage children to take more math and science, and to make sure those courses are rigorous enough to compete with other nations.” As if other nations are going to be threatened by the math and science skills of a nation who twice elected a president who pushes Intelligent Design, and safe, clean, nuke-u-lar energy!
My favorite part of the address was when Bush mentioned Congress’ failure to pass his Social Security Initiative, and the Democrats stood and cheered wildly. Bush’s face flushed with anger as he glared at them and warned “the rising cost of entitlements is a problem that is not going away.”
But right before that, he bragged about reducing “the growth of non-security discretionary spending” and staying “on track to cut the deficit in half by 2009” – all while we are pouring money down the black hole that is Iraq, national debt is up to $8.2 Trillion, and China has already indicated the intent to diversify away from US dollars, meaning the national credit card is about tapped out! Talk about a problem that is not going away!
Also on the economy, he turned to a frequent feel-good statement, that the “American people have turned in an economic performance that is the envy of the world.”
No George. That isn’t the world's envy of our economic performance. It’s PENIS ENVY, because they recognize that our President is a big dick!
[Update] I totally forgot about this wonderful line (with my emphasis added):
Tonight I ask you to pass legislation to prohibit the most egregious abuses of medical research: human cloning in all its forms, creating or implanting embryos for experiments, creating human-animal hybrids, and buying, selling, or patenting human embryos.
Come on George! Without human-animal hybrids, how is America supposed to win the scientific race to put a mermaid on the moon?
Welcome to Bush's American - where an almost empty glass is always half full.
ReplyDeleteIsn't it strange that Bush's biggest applause came when he highlighted the single fallen soldier - minutes after Cindy Sheehan was arrested for simply wearing a T shirt highlighting all 2200 of them.
I guess Bush really only cares about fallen Republican soldiers. Maybe we should split the total into Dead Democrats and Fallen Republicans.