After being sworn in, he stood at the table, looked out at the senators, sat down, pulled out a small note pad, idly flipped through the pages, then stood up, grabbed a bottle of water and a glass, slowly opened the bottle and poured himself a glass, sat down again, looked out at the senators again as if ready to speak, then paused, picked up the glass of water and swirled it gently, took a small sip, set it back down, then reached for the bottle again to top off the glass. Finally ready to speak, he slowly leaned forward with his enormous head bobbing like a doll on a car dashboard, and in a whiny, petulant voice, he began to talk.
Clearly, the entire prolonged pause before speaking was a choreographed statement to show that he was in control - that he would not be intimidated, and that he would only speak when he was damned good and ready. Perhaps he was just following the coaching he received from Judiciary Committee member, Lindsey Graham. Or perhaps he really had a frog in his throat and needed to consult his notes as a reminder that water is a good remedy. Or perhaps, he really is, as Digby suggests, an asshole!
In any event, Alito’s pause made him seem like the pedestrian who meanders slowly in front of traffic after the light has already turned, relishing the fact that the cars can’t move until he’s done crossing the street. He seemed like the clerk who refuses to make eye contact with the only customer in the store because he’s doing something so important that the customer can just wait. He seemed like the rock band sitting backstage, drinking beer and snorting coke, while the ticket buying audience waits an hour and a half for the show to start. All in all, he seemed to fall into Digby’s description more than any other possible explanation!
When the confirmation hearings began, I was willing to support the notion that the Democrats should start out by giving the guy the benefit of the doubt. I had my concerns about quite a few issues, but thought he should have the chance to share his views before being judged. However, before he even made his opening statement, he found a way to convince me that the Democrats should just step on the gas and try to mow the guy down!
I saw that clip and it haunted me all day.
ReplyDeleteIt was so long it was disturbing. But I think Alito said more in that time than he has the rest of the hearing so far.
This process is so screwed up. Obvously Alito's real views are so against the mainstream of this country that he is afraid to let any of them be known.
The Dems have to filibuster! With the Repubs worried about the mid-term elections, there is no way they will go for the "nucular option." And even if they do, they won't benefit much from it if the Dems take back either branch of Congress. And if we take back both, they will have given us the club to beat them with!
ReplyDeleteI meant to say nucular, btw.
ReplyDeleteFiengold is going to lead the fillibuster charge. I am sure of it. I'm convinced that is why he voted for Roberts - to make his stance on Alito stronger.
ReplyDeleteHe even refered to the fact that he voted for Roberts today.
Oops I meant Feingold and filibuster, of course
ReplyDeleteI believe you're a fine judge of character, seenos. And a better man than I (and 99.9% of the general population) for being willing to actually watch the hearings. I'd have to be duct-taped to the Lazyboy with my eyelids propped open with toothpicks to make me sit through those proceedings...
ReplyDeleteHope left-over's right about Feingold. He seems to be emerging as the progressives' choice in '08.
LWJ- Why do you think I only commented on the pause before Alito's opening statement? I saw it on The Daily Show!
ReplyDeleteI couldn't watch it either - at least on a full stomach.
I have, however, been checking the running commentary by Reddhedd at Firedoglake. She can distill hours of tedious discussion into nice one paragraph summaries of each senator's questions and Alito's responses.
The most frequent republican quote in her commentary? "Blah, blah, blah. I like you. blah, blah, blah!" It's really all you need to know.