After two days of listening to the Samuel Alito hearings, I am completely disgusted with the process that we are allowing to take place.
The guy is clearly lying about his recollections of his past. He is clearly unwilling to reveal any substantial insight into his character, despite his supporters’ claims of unprecedented openness (gag!). While testifying under oath, he has probably committed multiple felonies in the process of trying to be confirmed for the one job in the country that most requires honesty and integrity!
At this point, there is no choice but for the Democrats to filibuster Alito. The entire process of testifying under oath is intended to require openness and candor, isn’t it? The idea is to keep extremists from either side of the political spectrum from getting on the Supreme Court, isn’t it? The idea is to make the process transparent, and to ensure that the views of all Americans are at least equally considered by the highest court in the land, isn’t it?
If Alito is going to lie and conceal in order to get the job, then he must be filibustered. If the Republicans “go nuclear” to get him on the court despite a filibuster, then the Democrats will just have to retake the Congress in November, and use the Republicans’ own rule change as a club to beat them with – until the corruption is gone and fairness is returned to our country!
If we don't, Alito will get confirmed anyway, and we'll be like the boxer who goes into the last round knowing he is losing the fight, but deciding to “play rope-a-dope” to avoid getting knocked out!
We've got to start throwing some haymakers! What do we have to lose? Really – WHAT? The Republicans control everything, and they are running the country into the ground while filling their own pockets! Might as well force them to push Alito in through procedural loopholes, so that when he starts showing his true colors, we can call them for the liars they are. Again! And eventually we can turn the tables on them when their lying becomes so obvious that the voters won’t take it anymore.
I know it seems that we should have reached this point already, but frankly, it appears that we are finally moving in the right direction. The Republicans are a party with their weaknesses exposed. Indictments, bribery, money laundering, and on and on and on. Although they have been pounding us, and thumbing us and occasionally hitting us below the belt, for the last 11 rounds, all it would take is one good punch to knock them out of power.
Let’s come out swinging at Alito! Who knows – sometimes the underdog wins one!
All I have to say is
I just spent the last hour sending email letters to Feingold, Boxer, Kennedy, Reid and Feinstein urging them to filibuster.
Here is what I wrote:
My name is (Left-Over) and I am a resident of California. I have just finished watching four days of Alito testimony and am writing to urge you to fillibuster his confirmation. Judge Alito chose not to answer any difficult questions - at one point even saying that he wouldn't answer a particularly easy one because it might lead to the hard questions that he was determined to avoid.
I do not want a Supreme Court Justice who is ashamed enough of his beliefs that he will not speak them in public.
No one would be hired for a job if they refused to answer the questions by their potential employer. Judge Alito was evasive and misleading throughout the hearing. He also showed a very selective memory while under oath. Would he allow that type of performance from a witness in his courtroom? I don't think so.
Senator Feingold I urge you to take the moral high ground as you have throughout Bush's Presidency - and do what is right. This country needs your leadership. Rally the Democrats and filibuster this nomination.
There are many of us who are ready back you. Just give us the chance.
(I used my real name in the actual letters)
Since Alito wouldn't ask any pertinent questions - I kept hoping that one of the Senators would ask him.
ReplyDeleteJudge Alito, if you were a tree, What tree would you be?
His answer would have given more insight than any of his actual ones.
His wife would definitely be a weeping willow.
ReplyDeleteI also hope that Alito's confirmation will be fillibustered, but there is a potential downnside. The Repblicans would step-up their charges that the Dems are "obstructionists", and the charge could conceivably stick, at least in the red states.
ReplyDeleteMost of the "traditional media" coverage of the confirmation hearings has been sympathetic towards Alito, and derisive towards the Democratic Senators who questioned him, particularly Kennedy and Biden. The Repugs will try to make hay on a Democratic fillibuster, and they are much better at that sort of thing than we are, I fear.
LWJ- At this point, if they can make hay on the dems being obstructist for obstructing their evil plans, then the country will deserve what it gets, particularly since they are going to get it anyway if the dems give them another pass to avoid being call "obstructionists."
ReplyDeleteSometimes a country has to bottom out before it can bounce back!
I'm hoping we are already at the bottom.
However, we will have to fix the voting process to have any chance of bouncing back! (more on that later)
Obstructionist! At least I was 1 for 2!