Thanks to frequent Left-Over commenter Giraffe for sharing it with us.
Dear Ms. Howell,
It takes strong language to shock some people into reality, just like it takes a slap in the face sometimes to get people out of hysteria. You've just been slapped in the face by the bloggers. Take a minute and digest it. Don't just say arrogantly that you can hide behind your two year contract, and we all have to accept what you say. American Democracy is way too important for that. Thank God we have bloggers who are caring enough and paying enough attention to seek truth. Americans won't let you excuse corruption by blaming everybody. A very great loss of trust goes with that decision. Traditional media has lost our trust. Bloggers are in the mainstream and more so everyday. When those indicted are invited to government events, one knows the truth of the corrupt who care not for democracy at all, but only for themselves.
Here is a link to the site open letter to the washington post which has been started by the folks at Firedoglake as place to post reaction to this whole Deborah Howell incident.
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