Driving in my car yesterday morning I accidentally tuned into Rush Limbaugh. I hate when that happens. Anyway, he was spewing his typical right wing drivel, when he said something that got me thinking. I’ll paraphrase:
“These hateful liberals will stop at nothing to regain power............If they don’t like the direction of this country then they should just leave.”
My first reaction was to mutter a few choice words describing Limbaugh’s “relationship with his mother” his “stature” and his “fondness for certain medications”. But I eventually moved on to more constructive thinking.
We seem to use sports analogies often on this site and I hope that you will indulge me as I use one more.
In any team sport, I’ll use my favorite – basketball, in order to have a winning team, you need many different types of players: Big men who can rebound and block shots, ball handlers, shooters, defenders, and hustling role players. A team with 12 Shaqs would never make the playoffs, even though Shaq is a dominant player. A team with 12 Steve Nashs would also never be able to compete with even the worst NBA teams. But Steve Nash was last years’ MVP and is the best point guard in the league. A good team needs players with different talents and strengths that compliment one another - So does an effective government.
What I’m trying to say is that as much as I dislike republicans, as a Liberal Progressive, I recognize the fact that this country is better because *conservatives exist. I admit that left to rule on my own I would probably spend too liberally in an effort to help the poor and elderly. I might not spend enough on weapons for our military and I would be so pro environment that it would probably hurt the economy.
The reality is that having a diverse group with different priorities allows our government to at least try to address the needs of all its citizens. We need environmentalists, and those who are pro business, people who are focused on the military and those who want to expand social programs. It’s this mix that makes the country a competitive team.
But Limbaugh, Bush , Cheney and most Republicans think that we would be better off if no one ever had a differing opinion. Well, the country has been as close to this as ever since 9/11 and look at the mess we are in. They have a one party rule and what have they done with it? Is the country better off today? I don’t think so.
This administration is like a team full of Ron Artests or if you prefer football - Terrell Owens. It is all about them and even though they may be valuable players – their selfishness is destroying our team. And unfortunately, unlike professional sports we can’t solve this problem simply by trading this administration to another country. Who would want them anyway ………… Maybe Iraq!
Bush and Cheney for a Cleric to be named later. Limbaugh will just be released after his next failed drug test.
*P.S. the conservatives that I admit to needing in the above diary are reasonable social and fiscal conservatives – not NeoCons. There is never any need for a NeoCon!
Oh how I wish we could trade them. I'm not sure how basketball trades work, but somebody has to accept them and that would be impossible.
ReplyDeleteThese NeoCons are masters at changing the subject. They are like ducks, so steeped in oil that everything rolls off them. Literally and figuratively.