However, in honor of his “State of the State” speech today, with a newfound spirit of cooperation, I’m going to begin this post with a compliment. Arnold Schwarzenegger is a much better actor than I have ever previously acknowledged. Unlike President Bush, who always sounds like a spoiled and defensive child, Schwarzenegger has an uncanny ability to express sincere remorse and a sense that he

I realize that not everyone reading this post cares that much about California issues. Those who care a lot probably listened to the speech. For those who care just a little, here’s a 10-cent paraphrased version of today’s speech so you don’t need to bother listening or reading the transcript (and want to be able to try reciting it in one breath, just for kicks):
Welcome. I’m still glad to be the Governor.
I tried to get my way by being a dick, but the people wouldn’t let me. So it’s now time to work together to rebuild California for the future.
We need better roads. I say build it!
We need better flood control. I say build it!
We need more schools. I say build it!
We need more hospitals. I say build it!
We need more courts. I say build it!
We need more prisons. I say build it!
We need cleaner air. I say build it! (Hey, there’s only so much a speechwriter can do!)
Perhaps you are wondering where we will get the money to invest in California for the future. It won’t be from taxes. Instead, we will borrow some of it from the future and then ask for matching Federal funds.
In addition, child molesters are bad! (loud applause)
People wouldn’t understand this in Illinois, or Delaware, or Kentucky. But here in California, we are dreaming!
God bless you!
Update: In case anyone is tempted to believe that Arnold really has found redemption and suddenly cares about working Californians, as he tries to adopt programs traditionally supported by Democrats to dampen criticism heading into a re-election campaign, here’s something to think about from the SF Chronicle. His re-election campaign is reportedly going to be run by current Bush/Cheney aide, Steve Schmidt, who is described as follows:
On the national scene, Schmidt earned his reputation as a steely political strategist who ran the Bush 2004 war room and became a member of the exclusive Breakfast Club, the small group of top operatives who planned the campaign during regular meetings at the home of White House political strategist Karl Rove.As he showed during the clemency review of Tookie Williams, Arnold doesn’t believe in redemption. From the prospective of the Democrats, Schwarzenegger’s political career is scheduled to be executed in November, and despite his recently proclaimed turnaround, that execution should also be carried out as scheduled!
Thanks for the speech cliff notes. I was unable to watch it. Sounds like he just went for as many applause lines as he could.
ReplyDeleteWe desparately need most of the things he wants to build but it is completely unacceptable to just keep borrowing to pay for it. Taxes are going to have to be raised. If he wants better roads to drive his Hummer on then we all or going to have to pay for it.
Lets just throw out the tax word and call it investment because that is what it really is, and it is the responsible thing to do.
Unless the Dems in Sacto completely abandon any semblance of fiscal responsibility (not out of the question) AND lie down for the Guvinator like the $2 hoes we know they are (less likely, but only because it's an election year), then Ahnold is just blowing smoke. The Dems will probably respond with a nominally responsible counter proposal, which will include a tax hike for the wealthy, an increase in the gas tax, reinstitution of the "car tax", or some combination along with a more modest borrowing scheme, but it will never get the 2/3rds majority in the Assembly that Prop 13 requires (thanks to the Central Valley redneck Republican contingent), so the Guv will never have to seriously consider reneging on his no tax increase pledge. In the end, nothing will be accomplished, the Guv will blame the Dems, the Dems will blame the Guv and the Repugs, and it's business as usual in Sacramento.
ReplyDeleteI hope I'm wrong!
As I finally read the transcript from last nights speech, I had the feeling that all of his proposals sound nice bout are in the end going to be just like Bush's "Healthy Forest" and "Clear Skies" initiatives.
ReplyDeleteI'm surprised Arnold didn't call the speech his "Plan for Complete and Total Victory for Caleefornia"
i came across this crazy picture of him in the mr universe time doing a nazi salute. top left