That’s right - I said bad news for the Bush Administration! After seeing it happen enough times, I’m sick and tired of letting bin Laden’s face be a signal that the American people should drop any criticism of Bush, and return to being fearful and fortunate that we have such a tough President to protect us. And it’s ridiculous to feed that kind of thinking by complaining about the timing of bin Laden’s threats, which frequently seem to pop up when things aren’t going well for Bush. It’s the oldest play in their playbook and we should know how to stop it by now!
For some inexplicable reason, national security is the only area where Bush has favorable poll numbers, and any new threat from bin Laden should stand out as a reminder that national security is his biggest failure! Bush is the one who had the chance to kill bin Laden in Afghanistan when, shortly after 9/11, he chose to pull out troops and send them to Iraq. Bush is the one who said in 2002 that:
I don't know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don't care. It's not that important. It's not our priority.
I am truly not that concerned about him.
Rather than being a distraction from the current damaging news, bin Laden’s warning tapes should be turned into George Bush’s worst political nightmare! The image of bin Laden should be prominently displayed next to the image of Bush admitting failure to care about catching him. If Bush were doing his job, we wouldn't have to deal with bin Laden any more, and every new tape of bin Laden should remind us of how much we desperately need a stronger, more competent leader.
Instead of letting bin Laden convince us that we should sit back and let the strong and resolute “Daddy Bush” protect our family, any threats from bin Laden should be a reminder that this daddy is an incompetent drunk who let the intruder into the house on his watch! After the intruder killed members of his family, and with full knowledge of who the intruder was, this daddy then decided to pick a fight with an unarmed neighbor instead of avenging the real crime! Some strong leader!
With a daddy like that, we’d all be better off as orphans!
Just saw a commander in the field on CSpan say he had no hard evidence that bin Laden is anywhere in the area. You got it. One more attempt to scare us all.
ReplyDeleteThe man behind the slaughter of 2900 of your fellow citizens rears his ugly head and your initial inkling is to use it to lambaste Bush. Sad. Instead of treating national security as another aspect of the Manichean struggle between Republican and Democrat perhaps you should look at it as in issue in which the two parties advance different solutions to what they recognize as a common problem.
ReplyDeleteFor those readers who are interested in understanding what the hell a "manichean struggle" is, you may want to check out Calling Bush's Views Manichean Is an Insult to the Manicheans.
ReplyDeleteThen again, you may have a life!