I sure hope the "Traditional Media" gives this speech some coverage. I also hope that Al is at least considering another run for the Whitehouse....this will not be the sort of cautious, bureaucratic speech for which Gore was frequently criticized during his years in the Senate and the White House... his aides and allies are framing it as a "call to arms" in defense of the Bill of Rights and the rule of law in a time of executive excess.
Oh man, be careful what you ask for!
ReplyDeleteI know that it is a bit controversial. But I have been present for a few of Gore's speeches and real townhall style meetings where non planted audience members got to ask real questions. Gore was very impressive. He has a command of the issues and understands the U.S.'s place in the world.
ReplyDeleteI like Feingold a lot, but it could only help to have as many solid candidates as possible.
He did actually win in 2000!
In my opinion, whoever steps up really strong to lead against Alito ought to be considered.
ReplyDeleteI sure hope somebody does. That one worries me.
I think Gore's ship has sailed, sorry. He'd probably be one of the best, smartest, most conscientious, presidents we ever had, but I simply don't think he's electable. He couldn't even beat a cheating idiot after eight years of prosperity! Is he going to alter his entire personality? And if he is, will people buy it? I don't think so. I do look forward to his speech though.