Apparently, Ms. Schmidt has been reprimanded by the Ohio Elections Commission for posting inaccurate information about her educational background on her campaign website. Curious about her background, I looked it up, and here is what I found:
The last item has been changed in response to the reprimand to show not a Bachelors Degree in Social Sciences, but a “Teaching Certificate.” However, I was curious about the second item. It looks impressive – sort of like a graduate degree, perhaps even tops in her class, from the University of Cincinnati.
- Member of Ohio Leadership Class of 1999
- Graduate of Lead Clermont, # 1 Class, University of Cincinnati, 1993
- Bachelors Degree in Political Science, University of Cincinnati, 1974
- Teaching certificate awarded (Secondary Education), University of Cincinnati; coursework completed, 1986.
So I looked up "Lead Clermont." According to the program description, it has three goals:
Kind of sounds like a training program to become the chairperson of the office social committee! Through active participation in the planning of potlucks and Christmas parties, one can develop professional and personal relationships and promote a more fulfilling work experience.
- To recognize a personal leadership style that promotes a more fulfilling work experience.
- To improve the quality of life in Clermont County through active participation in team projects.
- To develop professional and personal relationships.
And then there’s that “# 1 Class” designation. At least she was the best one in the training program, right? Um, no! Turns out she was a participant in the first version of an annual program that began in 1993.
Well, it must have been some sort of exclusive program with rigorous educational requirements for enrollment, right? Here are the requirements for eligibility:
Class members must reside or work in Clermont County for a minimum of one year and demonstrate:Achievement relative to age and experience? So basically, any well-adjusted, honest kindergarten student with a sincere interest in activities with her classmates and a good attendance record would be eligible to enroll.
- high standards of personal quality and integrity
- sincere interest and possess a record of active involvement in community activities and issues
- an occupation or position that reflects achievement relative to age and experience
Let’s just say that Jean Schmidt doesn’t have the resume padding skills of a Condoleeza Rice! But she does have a quality that suggests potential to be the last hold out who still supports George W. Bush as his approval ratings (now down to 32%) begin to approach zero. For that, along with her blundering efforts to describe her educational background, Jean Schmidt deserves a nomination for the coveted title of American Idiot.

We should expect nothing less from our Republican leaders. Resume padding is the first skill these people seem to learn.
ReplyDeleteA great addition to the list of American Idiots!